Monday, February 20, 2012

What my friends think

Kar malo čuden začetek tedna je tole, s koncertoma v ponedeljek in torek( več o tem na: ), ampak zakaj pa ne? Preden se lotim drugih tem moram najprej par besed nameniti minulemu vikendu. Maškare so najboljši dogodek v letu. Pika. Nič me ne razveseli bolj kot gledati ljudi kako se delajo norca sami iz sebe, žarijo v vsej svoji eleganci ali pa izživljajo nore fantazije. Ali pa vse to hkrati. Če bi lahko nekako celo leto praznovali pust, bi bila Slovenija precej boljša dežela. No, vsaj zame...
Sociologijo na stran, v soboto je za moj pustni presežek poskrbel Canblaster z vrhunskim dj setom v K4. Že nekaj časa ga spremljam in zganjam ljubosumje nad njegovo glasbeno izvirnostjo in produkcijsko dovršenostjo (skoraj nepojemljivo za tako mladega producenta), ob njegovem nastopu pa sem enostavno moral ljubosumje zamenjati za fenovstvo. Njegov set je bil energičen, plesen in zabaven, a hkrati muzikaličen, raznolik, mestoma abstrakten in poln inovativnosti...skratka, nekaj kar je zelo zelo težko doseči. Čestitke organizatorjem in bravo tudi Koali za resnično next level vizualije.

It feels kind of funny starting my week with gigs on Monday and Tuesday ( ), but why not? Before I move on to upcoming events, I really need to say a few words about this past weekend. Slovenian Mardi Gras is the best holiday in the entire year. Seriously. Not every day can you see people making fun of themselves, being incredibly elegant, or living out bizarre fantasies. Or doing all that at the same time. If we could somehow spread this throughout the entire year, Slovenia would be a much nicer place to live... Well, at least for me.
But sociological topics aside, my Mardi Gras was amazing not only because of the costumes, but also the music. French producer Canblaster really blew my mind with a set equally fun, danceable and energetic as it was crazy, abstract, an forward looking. I've been jealous of his amazing production skills (at only 23 years of age he is on top of his game) and original musical ideas for some time now, but seeing him perform his music and hearing it on the dancefloor just turned me into a straight out fan. Thanks so much to the organizers and props to Koala for his amazing visuals.

Who likes to rock the party? Steve Aoki, David Guetta, Skrillex and Justice like to rock the party. Word.

Spet pa je tu tisti teden v mesecu, ko se vsi N'tokovi posti na netu spremenijo v reklame za Safari. In tudi tokrat ne bo nič drugače, kajti ta četrtek pri nas igrajo Ludovik Material, ki si vsekakor zaslužijo pozornosti. Če ste jih uspeli ujeti na lanskem Klubskem Maratonu Radia Študent že veste, da gre za odličen bend, ki je nastal šele pred kratkim in združuje bolj elektronsko produkcijo s pankerskim nastopom. Bobnar in kitarist sta prekajena glasbenika, ki že nekaj časa tvorita jedro živahne prekmurske underground scene, meni osebno pa je zasedba blizu zaradi vokala pevke Tine, ki v brezsramno trdem vzhodno-evropskem naglasu upoveduje svoje filozofske in politične domislice. Res toplo priporočam!
Sicer pa Ludoviki ne bodo edini gostje na tokratnem Safariji, saj se nam bosta pridružila še breakbeat dj Moof v duetu z vj Sv. Pixlom, ki sicer tvorita jedro ekipe Zavod Kru. Sam pa, še vedno pod vtisom Canblasterjevega seta, veselo iščem novo muziko in se res veselim tokratnega rolanja!
Se vidimo v četrtek!

It's also that week in the month when all of my posts turn into Safari promotion, and this week will be no exception. We'll be sharing the stage with an excellent band called Ludovik Material, who play a punkish kind of electro and are a wonderful new discovery from the already amazing Prekmurje underground scene. I really like how vocalist Tina shouts her philosophic and political brainstorms in an unapologetic Eastern-European accent. Definitely a band to look out for.
We will also be joined by guest deejay Moof in duo with vj Sv.Pixel from Zavod Kru, who are going to be a lot of fun to watch. Me, I've been under the spell of Canblaster and spent all weekend searching for new music, so I'm looking forward to deejaying this time even more!
See you on Thursday!

Ludovik Material


Ludovik Material (
Hard Drums. Hard sequencers. Hard vocals. Hard message.

Moof (zAvod kru) (
PlankTon (
N'toko (
Zana (

Sv.Pixel (zAvod kru) (
Koala™(Trajna) (

Gromka. 23.2.2012. ob 22:30
Vstopnina: 3evre

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