Saturday, June 1, 2013


Naslednjega obvestila sem res vesel, saj nam je uspelo sestaviti enega tistih Safarijev, o kakršnih sem lahko le sanjal. K sodelovanju nas je povabila ekipa Kina Šiške, kamor bomo 14.6. izjemoma preselili event, v goste pa prihaja newyorški raperski posebnež Le1f. Ime, ki je marsikomu še neznanka, je eden izmed predstavnikov nove šole raperjev, katerih glasba se ne naslanja le na preverjene hiphop vzorce, ampak izhaja iz newyorške ballroom scene, iz tradicije underground gejevskih klubov in alternativnih gibanj 80ih let. Zato je glasba, ki jo ustvarjajo Le1f in drugi odkrito gej reperji, kot so Mykki Blanco in Zeebra Katz, ne le pomembna kot znanilec družbenih sprememb, ampak predstavlja tudi svež veter v hiphopu samem. Hiphop so ponovno izstrelili v vesolje, ali pa vesolje pripeljali na ulico. 
To priložnost bom izkoristil tudi za nekoliko predrugačen lasten nastop. Kot sem že pisal, se že kar nekaj časa ukvarjam z novim angleškim albumom, ki bo najbrž ugledal luč sveta jeseni. Vseeno pa bi rad nov material preizkusil v živo, za kar se mi zdi nastop z Le1f-om odlična priložnost. Šlo bo torej za nekakšno "predpremiero" albuma, kjer bo občinstvo poskusni zajček, na katerem bom poskusil nekaj novih prijemov, improvizacij, demotov, vmes pa najbrž tudi kaj že slišanega. Vsekakor ne bo šlo za "spoliran" in predvidljiv nastop, ampak bo marsikaj prepuščeno naključju in trenutnemu ambientu. Enostavno si želim igrati nove stvari in se spreminjati.
Safari pa nikoli ni samo koncert, ampak si želimo sestaviti kompleten dogodek, zato bosta poleg Zane in PlankTona pred in po koncertu za vzdušje skrbela še vedno zabavni ZZZ-jevec Mr. Gucci in tudi Le1fov DJ.

Se vidimo!


I'm really happy to make this announcement about our next event. It has one of those line-ups I dreamed Safari could come up with one day. Well, we didn't come up with it ourselves, but were in fact invited by venue Kino Šiška to collaborate in organizing an evening staring New York rapper Le1f. Le1f is one of those names you bump into on a lot of blogs but very few people actually know about. Which is a shame because he is awesome! One of the most interesting things to come out of New York in recent years is the new wave of rappers who draw their influences from the city's ballroom culture and 80s underground gay club scene. The music of Le1f and other openly gay rappers such as Mykki Blanco and Zeebra Katz not only represents a progressive change in pop culture's awareness, but is also a much needed fresh wind in hip hop itself. Their sound seems to be shooting rap music into outer space, or maybe inviting outer space to the street.  
I'm extremely happy to be able to share the stage with Le1f, and I plan to make my own show different from my usual performances. I've been talking about my new English language album for a while now, and it seems that it will be released no sooner then autumn. However I am anxious to start playing new stuff, so this show will be a kind of test run, where I try out new songs and have some fun improvising, messing around with the electronics, and probably screwing up a lot. I guess a lot will depend on the atmosphere and I'm just going to roll with the vibe.
As always, Safari will include djs before and after live shows, so Zana and PlankTon will join forces with Le1f's dj as well as one of our favorite Ljubljana djs Mr. Gucci.

See you there!

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